Katy Spence – Montana


Katy Spence – Montana

Katy Spence believes in the inherent goodness of people and the power of storytelling. Growing up in rural Kansas, Katy saw the connection between people and the land, and how that was poorly reflected in a divided political sphere.

In 2018, Katy received a graduate degree in Environmental Science and Natural Resources Journalism from the University of Montana, and has firsthand experience in business development, entrepreneurship, and technology. In the past, she's been named a Crown Reporting Fellow and a Kim Williams Fellow. As the current Communications and Engagement Director for the Montana Environmental Information Center, she loves to use her scattered background to help people get involved with governmental processes and environmental regulations, especially through the use of technology and storytelling.

Katy lives in Missoula, Montana, where she enjoys playing board games and taking easy hikes in the surrounding mountains. At other times, she enjoys volunteering and gardening, sometimes simultaneously.