Jeric Mibale


Jeric Mibale - 2024 NLC Silicon Valley Fellow

Jeric Mibale was born in Maryland to immigrant parents and he's always felt a calling to make a difference in the lives of others. His current role at a tech company focuses on promoting fair chance hiring, reflecting his commitment to social justice. Before joining this organization, Jeric served with distinction for eight years as an Air Force officer, fulfilling various roles such as Program Manager, Systems Engineer, Intelligence Officer, and Student Fighter Pilot. Jeric is currently pursuing a professional coaching certification at a local university, aiming to empower others to realize their potential. Despite relocating eight times during his eight year military tenure, preventing him from forging deep roots in any one community, Jeric now channels his unique experiences and talents to inspire and uplift his chosen community, encouraging others to embark on meaningful career journeys and lead fulfilling lives.