Abigail Alvarez


Abigail Alvarez - 2024 NLC Sacramento Fellow

Abigail Alvarez is a Policy Consultant at Everyday Impact Consulting (EIC). Honoring her experiences as both a policy advocate and grassroots organizer, Abby joined EIC to practice her passion for social justice and systems change. At EIC, she lobbies for community-based organizations on a range of progressive issues. Currently she is working on culturally-responsive domestic violence prevention, farmworker labor rights, health access, and food systems.

As a grassroots organizer, Abby raised $30,000 in emergency relief funds and mutual-aid for service workers who lost their jobs during the pandemic. Prior, she worked as a Legislative Fellow at the California Immigrant Policy Center.

Abby graduated from Santa Clara University with a bachelor’s degree in political science and Spanish. At SCU, she was Student Body President and a Truman Scholar. She graduated from the Honors Program after publishing a thesis on the Zapatistas’ revolutionary politics in Latin America.